Education:PhD, Stanford University History>People>Elizabeth Thornberry Biography Research Teaching Publications Faculty Books I am a historian of South Africa, with research and teaching interests in the history of gender, sexuality, law, and disability in Southern Africa and across the continent. I ...
1.Hopkins Jail Tutoring,因为巴尔的摩犯罪率比较高,所以我们的监狱住满了人,这个HJT项目就会组织学生去...
economics english history political science psychology sociology economics english history political science psychology sociology see all social sciences and humanities data » unlock more with grad compass » do you work at johns hopkins university ? manage your school's public image and ...
在Hopkins读书期间,就算是School of Medicine的渣渣部门,也会为自己是这里的感到自豪,当然就更别提霍普金斯里各路BME的PhD和medical school的大神们了。总结主观印象来说,Hopkins medicine在美国是一块响当当的招牌,是和Mayo或者Harvard这些怪兽们并列的存在,属于S级梯队。比较接近的有UPenn,Stanford,Columbia,Chicago,Duke等...
PhD student and member of Teachers and Researchers United (TRU-UE), the graduate student union, Michael Wilkinson discussed how graduate students, many of whom are Hopkins employees, advocated for financial assistance. “They didn't do anything substantially to help the students at tha...
约翰霍普金斯大学[(The Johns Hopkins University)同霍普金斯大学(JHU),是一所全球顶尖的私立学校,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市。霍普金斯大学尤以其医学、公共卫生、学术科研、国际关系、文学、艺术以及众多应用专业研究领域的卓越成就而闻名全球。该校的校友中,先后有37人获得诺奖。依据美国国家科学基金会统计,在财政年约翰...
PhD candidates Siddiqui and Brig-Ortiz encourage other Hopkins graduate students to vote in support of a union. After years of struggling with the University and barely improving working conditions, almost 3,200 doctoral students at Hopkins are finally voting to form a graduate student worker union...
Essential facts about the Johns Hopkins PhD in Mathematicsprogram: Average salary of grads, cost, average debt load, and more.
美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University) 病理学(Pathology)方向的PhD项目! 约翰霍普金斯大学在生命科学领域世界顶级,其学术排名在全世界排名第14位,临床医学排名全球第5位 申请相关信息(以2022年申请为例) 获得学位平均时间:5.65年 费用:无需学费,并且每年有津贴2020-2021学年津贴为35608美元; 第二年开始导师...
MacquarieUniversity Australia,NorthRyde MacquarieUniversity Australia,NorthRyde SalaryPackage:Lecturer(LevelB),from$119,840to$141,790p.a.,plus17%employer's… $119,840to$141,790p.a.,… 10Dec2024 PhDPositionComputationalandSpatio… NorwegianUniversityofScienceand… ...