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Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, has established the Center for Global Women’s Health and Gender Equity. The center will be led by Michele Decker, Bloomberg Professor of American Health for the department of population, family, and reproductive health in the Johns ...
当得知Cushing是在Hopkins师从Halsted以及Osler,以及在Hopkins徒手创建神经外科这个学科时,对Hopkins的兴趣浓度陡然而生。之后阅读了一些有关Hopkins历史的读物,觉得西方医学殿堂这个称谓当之无愧,俨然中国协和一样的存在(后来发现其实协和就是遵照Hopkins模版建立的)。 侥幸来到Hopkins读master,我的这个学科在JH School of ...
约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)创立于1876年,是一所享有声誉的世界顶级私立大学。 作为美国的第一所研究型大学,它还是北美顶尖大学学术联盟——美国大学协会的14所创始成员之一。连续33年,美国国家科学基金会将该校评为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。 ▲图 |
还有学校的主图书馆、大礼堂Shriver Hall、行政中心、学生校医院(student health and wellness center)、...
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Johns Hopkins Hospital/Johns Hopkins Health System Johns Hopkins University Retirees Sibley Memorial Hospital Suburban Hospital Dependent Access Search for your dependents’ health care costs the same as you would for yourself, with the cost estimator taking into accoun...
health catastrophe. By March 3, 2020, Johns Hopkins expanded the site into a comprehensive collection of raw data and independent expert analysis known as the Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) – an enterprise that harnessed the world-renowned expertise from across Johns Hopkins University & Medicine...
health catastrophe. By March 3, 2020, Johns Hopkins expanded the site into a comprehensive collection of raw data and independent expert analysis known as the Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) – an enterprise that harnessed the world-renowned expertise from across Johns Hopkins University & Medicine...
Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Berman Institute of Bioethics, JHU Center for Imaging Science (CIS), JHU JHPIEGO JiVitA Maternal and Child Health Research Project, JHU John Hopkins Cameroon Program Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) Kavli Neuroscience Disc...
1.Hopkins Jail Tutoring,因为巴尔的摩犯罪率比较高,所以我们的监狱住满了人,这个HJT项目就会组织学生去...