Johns Hopkins Medicine study finds targeting the Aplp1 and Lag3 interaction could slow the progression of Parkinson’s and potentially treat other neurodegenerative diseases. Johns Hopkins Medicineresearchers have discovered a new potential biological target for halting the spread of Parki...
A study conducted by Johns Hopkins Medicine has discovered a link between heart attacks and accelerated cognitive decline. Analyzing data from adults who experienced their first heart attack, the researchers found that while the event did not cause an immediate decline in cognition, it did significant...
Johns Hopkins的艺术类专业也是全美数一数二的, Peabody作为艺术类专业校区, 艺术气息非常浓郁, 其风格...
“To educate its students and cultivatetheir capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and originalresearch, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.”—Daniel CoitGilman, First President of Johns Hopkins...
Thomas PA,Wright SM,Kern DE.Educational research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine:a grassroots development. Academic Medicine . 2004Thomas PA,Wright SM,Kern DE. Educational research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine:a grassroots development[J].Academic Medicine ...
The behavioral sciences have much to offer medical research and practice, and they are likely to play an increasingly important role in medical education. The need for researchers and teachers trained in both medicine and behavioral sciences has been addressed at Johns Hopkins by the establishment of...
The school receives a large amount of research funding from the National Institutes of Health, among other organizations, and runs leading research centers including the Brain Science Institute and the Institute of Genetic Medicine. Johns Hopkins Medicine includes the highly ranked Johns Hopkins Hospital...
Johns Hopkins University, privately controlled institution of higher learning in Baltimore, Md., U.S. Based on the German university model, which emphasized specialized training and research, it opened primarily as a graduate school for men in 1876 with an endowment from Johns Hopkins, a Baltimore...
首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Medicine, Science, and the Humanities 医学,科学,人文, 学位类型: 专业方向:医药学 所属学校:Johns Hopkins University(约翰霍普金斯大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...