因此,对于科研,Johns Hopkins的理念值得我们学习,其研究方法的多样性和先进性更值得我们借鉴,那种对新事物探索的精神和踏踏实实静下心来做学问的心态,也是忙碌的中国医生所欠缺的。 Johns Hopkins Hospital 的住院医师培训非常严格规范,以Radiology为例,每天早晨七点半,都会有专业授课,很早很辛苦。核医学专业也一样,每...
因此,对于科研,Johns Hopkins的理念值得我们学习,其研究方法的多样性和先进性更值得我们借鉴,那种对新事物探索的精神和踏踏实实静下心来做学问的心态,也是忙碌的中国医生所欠缺的。Johns Hopkins Hospital 的住院医师培训非常严格规范,以Radiology为例,每天早晨七点半,都会有专业授课,很早很辛苦。核医学专业也一样,每周...
因此,对于科研,Johns Hopkins的理念值得我们学习,其研究方法的多样性和先进性更值得我们借鉴,那种对新事物探索的精神和踏踏实实静下心来做学问的心态,也是忙碌的中国医生所欠缺的。 Johns Hopkins Hospital 的住院医师培训非常严格规范,以Radi...
↑ 与 Johns Hopkins Hospital 核医学专业负责人Pomper教授合影。他的办公室醒目位置,挂着一幅中国书法:“业精于勤”。 从专业的角度,我们科室与 Johns Hopkins Hospital 核医学科各有所长,我们PET/CT日检查人数是 Johns Hopkins Hospital 的三倍,我们医生的诊断阅片水平丝毫不逊色,甚至拥有更多的专业经验。在一些...
The death of a healthy volunteer in a clinical trial raised many questions about the process of active protocols, especially the oversight role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the responsibility of the principal investigator (PI) in performing preliminary research on the compound used, ...
BALTIMORE (WJZ) --Improving the care of the transgender community. After a nearly 40 year hiatus, Johns Hopkins Hospital is once again working to lead the way for transgender health care. Johns Hopkins is aiming to provide a model of inclusion in the medical field for the transgender commu...
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center established a new standard for infectious disease tracking by publicly providing pandemic data in near real time. It began Jan. 22, 2020 as theCOVID-19 Dashboard, operated by theCenter for Systems Science and Engineering and the Applied Physics Laborato...
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center established a new standard for infectious disease tracking by publicly providing pandemic data in near real time. It began Jan. 22, 2020 as theCOVID-19 Dashboard, operated by theCenter for Systems Science and Engineering and the Applied Physics Laborato...
However, his contributions to the surgical treatment of these lesions during the early stages of his tenure at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, from 1896 to 1912, remain largely unknown. After obtaining institutional review board approval, and through the courtesy of the Alan Mason Chesney Archives, ...
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center established a new standard for infectious disease tracking by publicly providing pandemic data in near real time. It began Jan. 22, 2020 as the COVID-19 Dashboard, operated by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering and the Applied Physics Labo...