美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University) 病理学(Pathology)方向的PhD项目! 约翰霍普金斯大学在生命科学领域世界顶级,其学术排名在全世界排名第14位,临床医学排名全球第5位 申请相关信息(以2022年申请为例) 获得学位平均时间:5.65年 费用:无需学费,并且每年有津贴2020-2021学年津贴为35608美元; 第二年开始导师...
病理学(Pathology)方向的PhD项目的 导师简介(第三期) 7.PATRIZIO CATUREGLI 垂体炎中心主任 病理学教授 医学教授 擅长领域: 内分泌学-糖尿病和代谢;病理学-免疫病理 研究方向: 内分泌腺的自身免疫疾病(心肌炎、甲状腺炎、垂体炎、干燥综合征和完全性先天性心脏阻塞complete congenital heart blockage) 研究重点: 1、...
Johns Hopkins University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Johns Hopkins University confers degrees through various schools, such as: the School of Medicine, the Whiting School of Engineering, the School of Nursing, and the Sch...
and am currently working on two major research projects: an intellectual history of customary law, and a history of intellectual disability in South Africa from 1902-1948. In 2024-2025, I will be on leave from Johns Hopkins to complete a year of training in law through the Mellon Foundation...
The university is named after Johns Hopkins, who left $7 million in his 1873 will for the foundation of the university and Johns Hopkins Hospital. At the time, this was the largest philanthropic bequest in U.S. history, the equivalent of approximately $129 million in the year 2009. The un...
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Deborah Dang, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, also a Johns Hopkins faculty member, developed the strategic vision and built an infrastructure to support EBP at Johns Hopkins. She has spoken professionally within the United States and internationally on EBP and is a contributing author to the book Johns ...
约翰霍普金斯大学是美国第一所研究型大学,学校的教员与职工共有37人获得过诺贝尔奖。2022QS世界大学排名25,是很多学生的梦校。那么如何才能拿到约翰霍普金斯大学的offer呢? 做个幸福... 4-13 8 Homewood找室友 freeMaxwell666 2021-11 男,jhu sp22新生。1月入学。在Homewood校区 不知道有没有人愿意合租? 请...
Johns Hopkins University's Immunology Ph.D. employment prospects? The job prospects for a Johns Hopkins University immunology PhD are very optimistic. Firstly, Johns Hopkins University is a top-ranking higher education institution, and the quality of teaching and research in immunology is very high....