约翰霍普金斯大学[(The Johns Hopkins University)同霍普金斯大学(JHU),是一所全球顶尖的私立学校,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市。霍普金斯大学尤以其医学、公共卫生、学术科研、国际关系、文学、艺术以及众多应用专业研究领域的卓越成就而闻名全球。该校的校友中,先后有37人获得诺奖。依据美国国家科学基金会统计,在财政年约翰...
Johns Hopkins University Corporate Finance (TOP 245) U.S.A. 30. MBA/Master of Public Health Johns Hopkins University Health Economics / Public Health (TOP 100) U.S.A. 34. MS in Business Analytics and Risk Management Johns Hopkins University Business Intelligence and Strategy (TOP...
约翰· 霍普金斯大学全称Johns Hopkins University,简称:Hopkins或JHU,创立于1876年,是一所私立综合研究型大学,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,分校区位于美国华盛顿特区。该校在医学与公共卫生领域、政治与国际关系领域、生物与工程领域以及教育学领域成绩不菲、声誉颇高,商学院虽然相对年轻,也拥有AACSB认证。 在2022年U...
约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) ,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,是一所闻名世界的私立...
约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University,后文简称约翰霍普金斯大学)成立于1876 年,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市(Baltimore City)。是全美乃至西半球第一所研究型大学。约翰霍普金斯大学的主校区被划分在140英亩大小、风景如画的霍姆伍德(Homewood)市,距离马里兰州最大城市巴尔的摩复兴内港以北3英里远。霍姆伍德校区是...
选修课很多,可以specialize in很多领域,比如Environmental economics、Financial economics、Health economics。 JHU排名很好,虽然aap 项目一直被人诟病,但依旧不影响JHU成为大部分公司录用的tier1 target school。 【OFFER展示】约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University(JHU)MS in Applied Economics应用经济学硕士...
or AS.280.345 Public Health Biostatistics Total Credits 41 申请材料及要求 申请材料: 1. 高中毕业证或在读证明(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章) 2. 高中成绩单(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章) 3. 个人陈述(英文书写,限制字数 4000 字符;UCAS 系统会自动审核 ...
With our main campus located in Baltimore,Johns Hopkins is truly and proudly a city resident. Our commitment toour local communities is based on the simple truth that the health andwell being of the university is inextricably...
Dr. Najlla Nassery is an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her areas of clinical expertise include internal medicine. Dr. Nassery earned her M.D. from Tufts University School of Medicine. She completed her residency in internal medicine at Boston...
To allow students to better exploit the strong complementary nature between business and economics, Carey Business School and the Applied Economics Program have eliminated the overlap between the MS in Applied Economics and the MBA. This enables students to earn both the MS degree and the MBA in ...