史密斯学院(Smith College)完成了心理与教育方向学士学位,约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)硕士毕业,主修学校心理咨询。指导学生获得 Choate,St Mark's, Concord, Hotchkiss, Milton, Hill, Masters, Dana Hall, Tabor, Eaglebrook, CardiganMountain, Fay, Indian Mountain, New York University, Boston Colle...
#Hopkins #JHU #JohnsHopkins #JohnsHopkinsUniversity #Baltimore #Maryland #Colleges #CollegeSearch #Intersession #WinterBreak #StudyAbroad Campus Life Freshman Live On-Campus 100% Day Care Services No Take a Virtual Tour Poll 60%of students say that Greek life is average, and no one will treat ...
In 2025, ASEEDER partnered with Johns Hopkins University to launch the Pre-College Summer Program, covering nine top-ranked courses. Over a two-week academic journey, students will step into the Homewood campus of Johns Hopkins University, engaging in meticulously designed courses, which include not...
NCAA Guide for College-Bound Student-Athlete Official Visit/Policy Recruiting FAQ Student-Athlete Support/Programming Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging SAAC Facebook Twitter Instagram Sport Performance & Wellness Student-Athlete Handbook General Hopkins Information Campus Virtual Tour Cam...
College at Johns Hopkins had its ups and down. I had some serious problems with depression, but certainly nowhere on the scale of my high school years. I was intensely lonely most of the time, but that was something I was used to by now. ...
Essential facts about the Johns Hopkins PhD in Mathematicsprogram: Average salary of grads, cost, average debt load, and more.
Although I am excited by the opportunity to learn new and fascinating information inside the classrooms of Johns Hopkins, my true passion lies in doing research during college. I have always been intrigued by mystifying concepts such as general relativity, dark matter, and black holes. The ...
约翰·霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) 名校就读体验 在约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) 就读是怎样一番体验?约翰霍普金斯大学有哪些校园特色,比如校园文化,课程特色,学术氛围,学生风貌,希望回答能包含一些这所学校突出且独有的与其他大学不同的特点。巴尔的摩校区生…显示全部 ...
What makes Johns Hopkins School of Medicine unique, and how can you show your fit? Hear it from Paul White, Assistant Dean for Admissions
and Kinsey and I survived our weekend away from Hopkins. Our first trip together further proved the strength of our friendship. We continued to see that we don’t need Hopkins to tie us to one another. Kinsey is a friend I will have forever, even if she puts Taylor Swift on repeat, ...