Shannon Curry是一位美国心理学家,因参与约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)与艾梅柏·希尔德(Amber Heard)的诽谤案而广为人知。她在案件中作为专家证人出庭,评估希尔德的心理状态,并提供了专业意见。她的分析和证词在案件中起到了重要作用,引发了广泛关注和讨论。 原视频地址:
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In order to rule on Depp’s libel claim, the jury had to decide whether the facts in the case proved Depp, in fact, abused Heard. Depp said he never physically abused her, while Heard said she was assaulted on more than a dozen occasions. Depp also alleged he was the victim of abu...
Depp is not named in the op-ed, but Depp’s legal teamwrote in a complaintthe op-ed is a “clear implication that Mr. Depp is a domestic abuser.” When Heard filed for divorce in 2016, she alsofiled for a domestic violence restraining order, accusing Depp of “violent and volatile...
Johnny Depp’s $50 million libel trial against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, resumed on Monday after a break. Here’s a look at what who testified and what was said this week.
2022 –Depp’s defamation case began on April 12, in Fairfax, Virginia. The case is ongoing with the public watching closely. For live updates, check Fox News Digital. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Relationship timeline Johnny Depp and Amber Heard got married on Feb. 3, 2015, at their Los...
最近两个月都在居家办公,喝了不少酒,见识了不少事情,丰富了人生的阅历。唯一的娱乐时刻来自“Johnny Depp诉讼前妻Amber Heard诽谤官司(defamation)的庭审直播大戏”。 简单介绍下出镜的两位老师 Jonny Depp,…
最近Amber Heard和johnny Depp离婚官司沸沸扬扬,庭审上两方的心理学专家互相说对方当事人有bpd(边缘性人格障碍)或者npd(表演型人格障碍)那到底谁有问题?我们来看看各自星盘,按amber的描述她成长于美国德州西部典型的牛仔家庭,父亲的爱好是打猎,父母都有磕药问题,他们经常打架也会家暴子女,其实有药物问题的人多少都会...
Filmmaker and motel ownerMorgan Higby Nighttook the stand on May 24 and was asked about his tweets regarding the case. It all started when an account named @ThatUmbrellaGuytweeted, "Johnny Depp will be accused of being jealous because a woman was 'sitting close' to Amber Heard. Depp...
Related: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s Ups and Downs Through the Years “It’s been six years of trying times,” the Oscar nominee said during his witness testimony in April. “It’s pretty strange when one day you’re Cinderella, so to speak, then 0.6 seconds you’re Quasimodo...