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Johnny B. Goode Burning Johnny B. Goode(Live at The Honolulu International Center, Hawaii - Official Audio) Elvis Presley Johnny B. Goode(En Vivo/LETRA) Los Nietos De Terán Johnny B. Goode(En Vivo) Los Nietos De TeránChuck Berry - Johnny B Goode Intro Lesson With Tabs次...
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JOHNNY B. GOODE Written by Chuck Berry INTRO: A E D A A Deep down in Louisianna Close to New Orleans Way back up in the woods Among the evergreens D There stand a country cabin Made of clay and wood A Where lives a young country boy Named Johnny B. Goode E He never ever learned ...
Go, Johnny, go! Go! Johnny B. Goode He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack, Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track. Old engineers would see him sittin' in the shade, Strummin' with the rhythm that the drivers made. ...
/ Chuck Berry 宋朝。Johnny B Goode由Chuck Berry 铃兰单簧管左手巴里昂左边的男中音GUITAR曼多林 删除这些广告 英国管弦乐歌曲 自动滚动器 转化器 +6+5+4+3+2+10-1-2-3-4-5-6 颜色 #c7523a#000000#0f5ed7#00a3d7#03d400#77bb41#ffaa00#ff4013#ed729f#8f46ab ...
电影《回到未来》里Marty一把电吉他演绎Chuck Berry的名曲《Johnny B. Goode》 风格Notes 10.2万 145 01:33 【范海伦乐队】经典歌曲《Eruption》电吉他带谱翻弹,摇滚味儿十足! Mr_Tabs 9.6万 47 03:57 迈克尔杰克逊封神曲目《Beat It》吉他带谱教学,有谁没被这首摇滚迷住? Mr_Tabs 19.9万 288 ...
注册我的每周课程包! http://www.patreon.com/MrTabs 支持我:http://www.patreon.com/MrTabs 了解更多信息http://www.mrtabs.com 展开更多 Johnny B. Goode 演奏挑战赛 音乐 演奏 指弹 BGM 电吉他 音乐 演奏 吉他教学 COVER 翻弹 教程 Vampire_II ...
Go, Johnny, go! Go! Johnny B. Goode [Verse] His mother told him, 'someday you will be a man, You will be the leader of a big ol' band. Many people comin' from miles around Will hear you play your music when the sun go down. ...
Johnny B Goode xJOHNNY B GOODE As recorded by Marty McFly And The Starlighters (From the 1985 Album BACK TO THE FUTURE SOUNDTRACK) Words and Music by Chuck Berry Arranged by Tim May Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Marty McFly' Intro...