Zero流亡海外之前,他向法官的女儿(后来成为第二任裁决者/第二任法官,The Adjudicator,性别女)告密:Zero坚称是John Wick杀害了她的父亲。 法官的女儿无条件相信自己父亲贴身护卫的留言,她因此暗地里向High Table领袖人物(The Director,性别女)举报John Wick,The Director为了安慰她的丧父之痛,同意开展对John Wick的...
John Wick: Chapter 4is by far the most anticipated action movie of 2023, and the full trailer has finally been released, whichteases an epic fight with Donny Yen. However, that isn't the only thing the movie teases, and whether it's the grief-stricken Wick or the Mustang chase sequenc...
JOHN WICK CHAPTER 4 is the culmination of one of the great movie series of our time, and a masterwork of its genre, one of the few American action movies to arguably outdo overseas epics likeTHE RAID 2,THE NIGHT COMES FOR USandTHE VILLAINESS. Like its predecessors it expands onJOHN WICK...
John Wick:..1.John Wick与The Boogey Man两人作为大陆酒店的杀手成员,都在经常为威戈做私人打手,但是The Boogey Man与威戈共事的时间比John Wick更久,在威戈集团的工作经验
In John Wick 3, the High Table's Adjudicator (Asia Kate Dillon) agrees to peace with Winston and the Continental, but asks what will be done with John himself after his refusal to kill Winston, per High Table orders. After a moment of hesitation, Winston says "Oh, he has to die", ...
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噢,好,感谢您的建议。不过第二个是因为在The Bowery King说出这句话后,John Wick向他竖中指作 .....
约翰·威克(John Wick)是《疾速追杀》系列电影及衍生作品系列中的主要角色,初次登场于《疾速追杀》(John Wick)系列电影第一部(2014年10月),由基努·里维斯饰演。全名乔纳森·威克(Jonathan Wick),一名苏联裔美国人,是一名传奇的职业杀手,在杀手界受到很多杀手敬重。角色形象 身份背景 约翰·威克(John Wick...