Sgt. John M. Stryker Sgt. John M. Stryker,电影《硫磺岛浴血战》中的角色,由约翰·韦恩饰演。
John Wayne was one of the biggest movie stars of the 20th century, thanks in large part to his appearances in WWII-themed movies, such as Back to ...
Sgt. John M. Stryker $1MM The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) John Breen, Producer, Performer ("Eight Hundred Miles to Go") (uncredited) She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles $1.6MM Wake of the Red Witch (1948) Capt. Ralls $1.2MM 3 Godfathers (19...
约翰·韦恩(JOHN WAYNE) 1907年5月26日出生于美国。他是以演西部片著称的好莱坞明星。他的指导教师约翰·福特给他起名为约翰·韦恩之前,他叫马里恩·莫里森。1939年福特让他在著名的《关山飞渡》里扮演角色。以该片蜚声世界影坛。此前,他一直在西部片中扮演一些小角色。保守的韦恩向《阿拉莫》投资数百万美元,在这...
Sgt. John M. Stryker $1MM The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) John Breen, Producer, Performer ("Eight Hundred Miles to Go") (uncredited) She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles $1.6MM Wake of the Red Witch (1948) Capt. Ralls $1.2MM 3 Godfathers (19...
Sgt. John M. Stryker $1MM The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) John Breen, Producer, Performer ("Eight Hundred Miles to Go") (uncredited) She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles $1.6MM Wake of the Red Witch (1948) Capt. Ralls $1.2MM 3 Godfathers (19...
The young recruits are led by Sgt. John M. Stryker (played by John Wayne), a rough disciplinarian who is initially despised by his men. Particularly resentful are Pvt. Al Thomas (Forrest Tucker), whose irresponsibility costs a soldier his life, and Pvt. Peter Conway (John Agar), a cocky...
约翰·韦恩(John Wayne,1907年5月26日—1979年6月11日),出生于美国艾奥瓦州,美国影视男演员,以演出西部片和战争片中的硬汉而闻名。韦恩是那个年代所有美国人的化身:诚实、有个性、英雄主义。其作品《关山飞渡》蜚声世界影坛,一生共出演181部,影响极大,是好莱坞有史以来最伟大的影星之一。1999年,他被美国...