Out of all the obscure John Waters movies,Desperate Living is probably my personal favorite. The transgressive lesbian trash opera is the type of movie you’d want John Waters to make. It’s hilarious, bold, and features some of his most intriguing storytelling, and it’s a beautiful privile...
John Waters names this A24 horror-comedy as his favorite film of 2023. The "King Of Camp" has spoken, people!
It was initially considered to adaptThe Midnight Man, ultimately titledThe Collector, a horror film written byMarcus DunstanandPatrick Melton, into the fourthSawfilm and make it a prequel toSaw, detailing a traumatic event in John's early life. However, although the idea was scrapped, John's...
The presentation, however, is a bit ho-hum. There isn’t a great flow from one movie to the next. It starts with a panel briefly attempting to define the term “cult film” (John Waters proposes, “To Hollywood executives, ‘cult film’ means that twenty people who were smarter than t...
Waters is not the first director to come to the movie’s defense.Quentin Tarantinodid the same during an interview in October onThe Bret Easton EllisPodcast. Tarantinosaid that Joaquin Phoenix “gives one of the best performances I’ve ever seen in my life.” He also said that he admired ...
Surprisingly,Chapter 3received just as many accolades asChapter 2.NPR’s Chris Klimekcompared the John Wick movies to another beloved action franchise by asserting that “the set pieces are more imaginative and daring than ever. There’s a musicality and wit to the action that only the Mission...
JOHN WICK CHAPTER 4 is the culmination of one of the great movie series of our time, and a masterwork of its genre, one of the few American action movies to
…William Crawford Galbraith continued to ply his familiar waters… …while Al Frueh turned in this gem… …Helen Hokinson found some lively anticipation at the train station… …Garrett Price took us to the seashore… …while Barbara Shermund kept us abreast of current events… Next Time: So...
over the calm waters of a lake called Serenity, for a fleeting moment the eagle's traveling shadow was in alignment with the moons. The hammer struck the forging swordandwith each strike, lightning struck in the distance. As the sword was cooled in a cauldron of the blood of our enemies...
Taking the musical stage adaptation of a John Waters movie and turning it back into a film doesn’t seem like the most intelligent way to score a hit movie, but when you’re armed with John Travolta in a fat suit — as a woman— anything can happen. In the case of 2007’s Hairspray...