The next step for The Foundation was to invite author Rolf van der Woude to commemorate Willem Hovy as one of the enlightened directors of Van Vollenhoven’s Beer, who had taken the Falcon’s fame to unsurpassed heights by the end of the 19th century. Rolf entitled his book “Faith in t...
John ROGERSON and Philip DAVIES, The Old Testament World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge-New York-New Rochelle-Melbourne-Sydney 1989, 384 pp., cloth, 19.50. ISBN 0 521 34006 3doi:info:doi/10.1163/157006390X00432VAN DER WOUDEA.S....
主演Jim van der WoudeStéphane ExcoffierJohn KraaykampJosse De PauwTon van Dort 1987 Iris[演员(饰 Versteeg)] 导演Mady Saks 主演Monique van de VenJohn KraaykampTitus Tiel GroenestegeRoger Van HoolElsje Scherjon 1986 战火葬童年[演员(饰 Cor Takes)] ...
Prevalence and nonrandom distribution of exonic mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 in 307 families with Van der Woude syndrome and 37 families wit... PURPOSE: Interferon regulatory factor 6 encodes a member of the IRF family of transcription factors. Mutations in interferon regulatory factor...
导演: Johan van der Keuken Laat maar Zitten (1988) [ 演员 ] Iris (1987) [ 演员 ] 导演: Mady Saks 扳道工 (1986) [ 演员 ] 导演: Jos Stelling 主演: 吉姆·范德伍德 Jim van der Woude / Stéphane Excoffier 战火葬童年 (1986) [ 演员 ] 导演: Fons Rademakers 主演: Derek ...
汤姆威勒平日几乎全以接一些无危险性的外遇案件维生,但是他心中还是渴望遇上一个能证明他专业能力的契机。直到一卷看似安... 1986 Killer Workout[演员(饰 Weightlifter #1)] 导演David A. Prior 主演Marcia KarrDavid James CampbellFritz MatthewsTed PriorTeresa Van der Woude...
G. K. BEALE, The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St. John, University Press of America, Lanham-New York-London 1984, xiv and 349 pp., paper, $ 14,25doi:10.1163/157006386X00095VAN DER WOUDE
Oesterreicher, edited by Asher FINKEL and Lawrence FRIZZELL, Ktav Publishing House, Inc., New York 1981, 410 p., cloth $ 29,50doi:10.1163/157006382X00233VANDERWOUDEA.SingentaconnectJournal for the Study of Judaism