In May 1873, the British establishment was shaken by a bitter row. It concerned the legacy of John Stuart Mill, who had just died. The Times had printed an obituary which was an exercise in posthumous character assassination. It was written by Abraham Hayward, a Tory lawyer and fierce criti...
It is interesting that neither of the Tory leadership candidates has drawn a distinction between the cost-push inflation that is now being imported on oil and gas wholesale prices, and over which no amount of increased interest rates will have any effect at all, and the monetary inflation resul...
Somerset Capital Management, the boutique fund manager co-founded by Tory MP Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, has lost more than two-thirds of its assets after the firm’s largest client severed ties, according to people familiar with the situation. The decision by wealth manager St James’s Place to ...
Liora Ben Tsur: Those who praise October 7 as an act of 'anti-occupation' are normalizing monsters They have created a blind ideology capable of justifying any atrocity Liora Ben Tsur, Special to National Post5 hours agoNP Comment Jamie Sarkonak: Canada squandered its chance to grow up afte...
I still remember the long conversation with Julie about the film that started on the bus and the long walk-up Straight Road before arriving at her home in Daventry Road. Although, unlike, Vic and Ingrid, we both loved each other, we were determined not to get married before we were ready...
Lord Hardinge—he was still sufficiently robust to accept the command of the forces in Ireland in January 1855. There, at a time of relative tranquillity, he occupied himself with the reform of the Royal Hospital at Kilmainham, in training the regular troops and militia...
Rupert Murdoch is engaged to be married for the fifth and final time, he said, according to a Financial Times report. The media mogul divorced his fourth wife just eight months ago, but decided it was time to jump back into the matrimony game. He is marrying Ann Lesley Smith, the wido...
Barbour was first in the field as a Radical. Lisburn was true blue Tory, always had been, so his chances never seemed too bright. The Tories were better prepared at this time than in 1857. They had their man chosen well in advance. He was Edwin Wingfield Verner, the younger son of an...
This attempt was from the first chimerical: partly because the time was unpropitious, the Reform fervour being in its period of ebb, and the Tory influences powerfully rallying; but still more, because, as Austin so truly said, "the country did not contain the men." Among the Radicals in...
Rupert Murdoch is engaged to be married for the fifth and final time, he said, according to a Financial Times report. The media mogul divorced his fourth wife just eight months ago, but decided it was time to jump back into the matrimony game. He is marrying Ann Lesley Smith, the widow...