A large portion of Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, The State and Utopia is dedicated to refuting the theories of John Rawls. Specifically, Nozick takes issue with Rawls’ conception of distributive justice as it pertains to economic inequalities...Fraser, Colin R...
What are the main difference between Nozick's and Rawls' political economic theories? How did John Maynard Keynes define economics? What are the differences between classical and neoclassical economic theory? What is Adam Smith's role in the history of Economics? (a) He won ...
RAWLS, John, 1921-2002LIBERTARIANISMFREE enterpriseNATURAL selectionJUSTICELIBERALISMPHILOSOPHERSPOVERTYAmong twentieth-century political philosophers, Americans John Rawls and Robert Nozick are generally recognized as giants-both for the boldness of their arguments and for the influence they have ...
theory of justiceutilitarianismsocial justiceThis study starts from the assumption that the theory of distributive justice as fairness, theorized by John Rawls and the theory of justice as entitlement, outlined by Robert Nozick, are the main rivals in the arena of debate in conte...
In this research the objective was to analyze justice considering the optics of John Rawls and Robert Nozick, from a comparative perspective. A documentary review of the bibliographic material on Rawls' Theory of Justice (1975) and Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia (...
LIBERTY AND EQUALITY IN THE SOCIAL ORDER, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE VIEWS OF JOHN RAWLS AND ROBERT NOZICK.The dissertation examines a wide spectrum of views on the relationship between the individual and society, ranging from extreme libertarianism to doctrinaire egalitarianism. Various meanings ...
that separateness is relevant not just as a fact about persons as beneficiaries, but perhaps even more fundamentally, as agents.; Chapter one explores the connection between respect for the separateness of persons and liberal theory, with reference to the cases of John Rawls and Robert Nozick. ...
Presents verbatim the philosophical brief submitted by Ronald Dworkin, Thomas Nagel, Robert Nozick, John Rawls, Thomas Scanlon and Judith Jarvis Thomson on physician-assisted suicide. Constitutional liberty; Death as the most significant event of life; Right to make choices central to personal dignity...