John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States (1825–29) and son of President John Adams. In his prepresidential years he was one of America’s greatest diplomats (formulating, among other things, what came to be called the Monroe Doctri
Adams 1 of 10 biographical name (1) Ad·ams ˈa-dəmz Ansel Easton 1902–1984 American photographer Adams 2 of 10 biographical name (2) Charles Francis 1807–1886 son of John Quincy Adams American author and diplomat Adams 3 of 10 biographical name (3) Franklin Pierce 1881–...
John Quincy Adams (1767 - 1848?) was the last Secretary of State of the independent state of Jefferson and the first Secretary of State of the United States of Mexico. Adams, the son of the noted rebel leader John Adams, was born in Braintree, Massachuse
Related to John Quincy Adams:Henry Clay ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. John Quincy Adams- 6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848) President Adams,President John Quincy Adams,Adams ...
— John Quincy Adams Featured in: Leadership Quotes, Encouragement Quotes, Graduation Quotes, Uplifting Quotes, Important Quotes 36 0 Download 12 Wallpapers 2. “Duty is ours, results are God’s.” — John Quincy Adams Featured in: Duty Quotes 30 0 Download 10 Wallpapers 3. “Ind...
Adams had left the White House only four months earlier, where he was replaced as president by Andrew Jackson—. He soon grew bored in his retirement and returned to politics, winning a seat in the House of Representatives in the 1830 election; he continued to serve in Congress until his ...
John Quincy Adams Personal Traits Height: 5 feet – 7-1/2 inches John Quincy Adams Quotes Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly...
Adams, John QuincyAdams, John Quincy from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read Adams, John Quincy from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed
慢速英语026期:第6任:约翰·昆西·亚当斯——失败的政治家,优秀的外交家 John Quincy Adams——Poor politician, excellent diplomat 慢速英语视频系列简介:通过慢速英语,一边学习英语,一边了解全球最新科技知识、各国人文历史。英语听力需要坚持练习,这里提供各种新鲜素材,让大家在获取知识的同时学习英语,在学习英语的同时...