John Quincy Adams JohnQuincyAdams约翰·昆西·亚当斯(1767—1848)毕业于哈佛大学美国第六任总统,是美国历史上第一位继其父亲之后成为总统的总统。总统任期:1825年3月4日—1829年3月4日 他是第二任总统约翰·亚当斯的长子,二十岁就成了有名的外交官,曾出使欧洲多年,熟悉欧洲事务。1817年门罗总统上台以后,...
October 28, 1818Abigail Smith Adams (Mother) dies in Quincy, Massachusetts. July 4, 1826John Adams (Father) dies in Quincy, Massachusetts. June 9, 1829George Washington Adams (Son) dies. March 13, 1832Thomas Boylston Adams (Brother) dies in Quincy, Massachusetts. October 23, 1834John Adams ...
Adams,John Quincy 亚当斯(1767-07-11,马萨诸塞布伦特里~1848-02-23,华盛顿【哥伦比亚特区) J.亚当斯总统的长子,美国第6任总统(1825~1829)。任总统前是美国最伟大的外交家之一(曾制订所谓的门罗主义);卸任之后始终如一地反对奴隶制的扩张。在美国独立战争的战火中度过童年。1778和1780年两次随父亲前往...
John Quincy Adams 美国第六届总统约翰・昆西・亚当斯 John Quincy Adams The first President who was the son of a President, John Quincy Adams in many respects paralleled the career as well as the temperament and viewpoints of his illustrious father. Born in Braintree, Massachusetts, in1767,he ...
President James Madison appointed Adams U.S. representative to Russia in 1809. Over the next four years, Adams promoted American trade. He also won the friendship of Russia¡¯s ruler, Alexander I. 1809年,詹姆斯·麦迪逊总统任命亚当斯为美国驻俄罗斯代表。在接下来的四年里,亚当斯促进了美国的贸易...
Adams was elected a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts after leaving office, the only president ever to be so, serving for the last 17 years of his life with far greater success than he had achieved in the presidency. Animated by his growing revulsion ...
John Quincy Adams: Sixth President 1825-1829- Fans of Venezia's highly praised artist biography series will be drawn to this new series- Author presents the lives of U.S. presidents in an entirely fresh way with his unique format--a blend of casual prose, historical...Venezia Mike...
After leaving office as President in 1829, Adams was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives – the only president ever to do this. He continued to shape America's foreign policy. Historians say he is one of America's greatest ever diplomats....