John Mulaney is a three-time Emmy and WGA award-winning writer, actor, and comedian. Mulaney can be seen in his latest Netflix stand up special, BABY J. Released in April 2023, Mulaney converts his personal turmoil into comedic brilliance, which earned him 2023 Emmy nominations in Outstandi...
John Mulaney: Baby J: Alex Timbers द्वारा निर्देशित. John Mulaney के साथ. एक अराजक हस्तक्षेप, पुनर्वसन में ए
It’s working out the kinks swiftly and nicely and seems like it could be poised to become something worth your valuable viewing time, should NBC opt to give it a shot at life beyond its initial 13 episodes. That’s a big if, but as John Constantine himself would be the first to sugg...
John Mulaney: Baby J: Regia di Alex Timbers. Con John Mulaney. Un intervento caotico. Un soggiorno pieno di azione in riabilitazione e dopo un paio di anni, John Mulaney esce oscillante nel suo ritorno sul palco.