26、form and elegant in form.After the restoration of the throne, Milton entered the final stage of his life and creation, and also the most difficult timePeriod. But Milton always maintained high revolutionary morale. After he came out of prison, more than 10 years of seclusion in the cott...
约翰 米尔顿(John Milton)约翰.弥尔顿,伟大的诗人,革命文豪。很多文学批评家都认为,英国诗人中除了莎士比亚之外,当首推弥尔顿。他生于伦敦,在剑桥大学的克莱斯特学院获得学士和硕士学位后,便开始专心于诗歌创作。1632年至1638年五年间,弥尔顿辞去了政府部门的工作,住到他父亲郊外的别墅中,整日整夜的阅...
ThreePeriodsofMilton'sLiteraryCareer 1 2 3 Beforetherevolution DuringAfterthetherevolutionrevolution Thefirstperiod(beforetherevolution)shortpoems:poems:L’Allegro《快乐的人》快乐的人》幽思的人》ILPenseroso《幽思的人》假面剧《科玛斯》Comus假面剧《科玛斯》Lycidas《利西达斯》Lycidas《利西达斯》Thesecondperiod(...
1)Miltonis a great revolutionary poet of the 17thcentury. He is also an outstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution Period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause. He made a strong influence on the later English poetry. 2)Milton is a great stylist(文体家). His poetry has a...
His funeral was attended by “his learned and great Friends in London, not without a friendly concourse(集合) of the Vulgar(平民,百姓)”.2021/3/2610John Milton约翰弥尔顿的《失乐园》 ppt课件 early period On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity(基督诞生晨颂) L’Allegro (快乐的人 IL )Penseroso...
John Milton, English poet, pamphleteer, and historian, considered the most significant English author after William Shakespeare. He is best known for Paradise Lost, widely regarded as the greatest epic poem in English. Learn more about Milton’s life and
doi:10.1111/milt.12024HughUniversityAdlingtonUniversityEBSCO_AspMilton Quarterly
John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, prose polemicist and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. Best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost, Milton is also known for his treatise condemning censorship, Areopagitica.Very soon after his death...