9. “The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement.” —John C. Maxwell Featured in:Inspirational Quotes for Work,Motivational Work Quotes,Positive Motivation Quotes,Positive Work Quotes 1000 0 Download 19 Wallpapers 10. “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I...
Maxwell had always desire to make a difference in the lives of people. His passion in life is growing and equipping others to do remarkable things and lead significant and fulfilled lives. He is passionate about teaching, and for this reason, since 1995, John Maxwell has devoted himself to f...
37. “All of the people in my life whom I consider to be close friends or colleagues are good thinkers.”– John Maxwell 38. “The unsuccessful person is burdened by learning, and prefers to walk down familiar paths. Their distaste for learning stunts their growth and limits their influence...
As always, John Maxwell includes a whole bunch of great quotes from other sources to make his case. In Teamwork 101, here are a few of the quotes I enjoyed. “Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors of my fellow men, both living ...
Favorite Quotes & Thoughts from John Maxwell • A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. • The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.
Here are my top 10 favorite quotes by John Maxwell: “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” “Do not take the agenda that someone else has mapped out for your life.” “Growth inside fuels growth outside. “ “Learn to say ‘no’ to the good so you can say ‘yes’ to the ...
“Talent Is Never Enough” – saysJohn C. Maxwell. Because talent is only the starting point in business – adds Irving Berlin. Learn how to walk the rest of the road from one of the people who should know it best. About John C. Maxwell ...
Two weeks ago, I shared some of my favorite quotes on service. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you already know that I love to share quotes. But on Twitter in particular, I’m limited by the 140-character restriction. So I often enjoy sharing the longer quotes here. I hope...