28. “Leadership is influence.”–John Maxwell 29. “Self-centered leaders manipulate when they move people for personal benefit. Mature leaders motivate by moving people for mutual benefit.”– John Maxwell 30. “Inability to make decisions is one of the principal reasons executives fail. Deficie...
Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. To grow in leadership, one must grow in influence. The Maxwell Leadership Assessments, based on the teachings of John C. Maxwell, are designed to measure your current level of influence which can then be used to target your leadership ...
2002. Leadership 101: What every leader needs to know. Thomas Nelson Inc. 1997. Becoming a person of influence: How to positively impact the lives of others. Thomas Nelson Inc. 1995. Developing the leaders around you: How to help others reach their full potential. Thomas Nelson Inc. 1993....
Find out now how YOU can benefit by joining the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team. Leadership is Influence Increase Your Impact and Influence with the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team! Speak to a Program Advisor Today First Name: Last Name: ...
"Leadership is influence." ~John C. Maxwell Junior Master 1/1 Election Results Posted onJanuary 1, 2016 0 On 12/30, all previous Junior Masters were demoted and a 3-day guild-wide election was held for new juniors. Now, as of 1/1, the votes have been tallied up; please welcome In...
"John Maxwell Company Executive Leadership Podcast" 26 - Delegation basics (Podcast Episode 2019) - Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more...
and your team to increase your impact, influence and income! Find out why the John Maxwell Team is the fastest growing leadership and skills training program in the world, and why becoming a Certified Member is the right choice for you to master the skills that will give you a competitive ...
About Dr. John C. Maxwell John C. Maxwell, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker, has sold 30 million books. He has been called the #1 leader in business by the AMA and the world’s most influential leadership expert byInc. His organizations—The John Maxwell Company...
Checking their website, I noticed that they boldly Advertise “We have a team of John Maxwell Executives.” They have a training program that takes motor sales leaders through the John Maxwell Sales Leadership training. This is a business doing pretty well in Pretoria South Africa. Yet they de...
Everything rises and falls on leadership! John Maxwell的名言. 越来越觉得这句话非常有道理。最近有幸得到一张John的演讲CD。主题是领导力的五个层次。这本大作在一年前就已经拜读过。但却比不上亲身聆听大师分享给我带来的冲击与影响。 中国古话说得好,“不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵”。但常常又听到“千军易...