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Dark Brown Museum Calf Dark Brown Suede Parisian Brown Museum Calf Plum Museum Calf New Gold Museum Calf Bracken Museum Cealf Confirm color $1,890.00 Customize Add to bag The iconic loafer by John Lobb. First introduced in 1950, it features a neat saddle and a hand stitched apron, remaining...
Crafted from natural lime wood, shoe trees are essential for reducing creases and maintaining the shape and quality of your shoes over their lifespan. Whilst light and strong, they help to draw out unwanted moisture from the shoes when in storage. ...
Loafer shoe trees Select colour 1colours available CN¥2,000.00 添加到购物包 此款鞋撑以天然椴木制作而成,是减轻鞋面褶皱、保持鞋履形状及品质的必备护理用具。轻便坚固,有助鞋履在储藏时保持干燥。 Details 坚固、轻便与防潮的天然椴木 方便耐用的金属关节 ...
Lopez Select colour 5colours available £1,300.00 Customize Add to bag The iconic loafer by John Lobb. First introduced in 1950, it features a neat saddle and a hand stitched apron, remaining a favourite through the generations due to its timeless style and impeccable quality of construction....
Dark Brown Suede Parisian Brown Museum Calf Plum Museum Calf New Gold Museum Calf Bracken Museum Cealf Confirm color $1,890.00 Customize Add to bag The iconic loafer by John Lobb. First introduced in 1950, it features a neat saddle and a hand stitched apron, remaining a favourite through the...