Solid and Reliable Why Ladies Love John LewisEVEN though its own-goods label, Jonelle, sounds like a crossbetween Jolene of the Archers and...By JohnsonRachel
White, George Price, Helen Hokinson, Isadore Klein, Jack Markow, James Thurber, John Mosher, Lewis Mumford, Lindbergh kidnapping, Miguel Covarrubias, Morris Markey, Otto Klemperer, Peter Arno, Rainbow Room, The Dakota New York, Werner KlempererLeave a comment on The Age of Giants ...
White, who found the resemblance to investment banker Otto Kahn (below) rather unsettling. (comic art * * * Historian Frederick Lewis Allen, who would go on to write the definitive history of the 1920s in his bestselling Only Yesterday (1931), offered some tongue...
Luz who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road Cambridge admitted stealing clothes worth £9.95 from John Lewis in Oxford Street London on March 9. Phillip Lemoyne prosecuting(起诉) said Luz selected some clothes from a display and took them to the ladies’ toilet in the store .When she ...
He toured with Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1958 he was signed by Decca and moved to Nashville to record. His 4 singles did not give him the break and he returned to working clubs. In Las Vegas, Derksen remembers: Charles Heston was in the audience, he stood up and shouted Bravo!, and Sammy...
Elton:Well, Peter Frampton and Al Lee. It’s just that Mercury Records decided to have this great hype and invited everybody who was anybody. I mean, they invited me to play on it, which was ludicrous. What I am supposed to do, play piano for Jerry Lee Lewis? I mean the guy’s ...
Byline: RACHEL JOHNSONEVEN though its own-goods label, Jonelle, sounds like a cross between Jolene of the Archers and Chantelle of Big Brother, there is nothing remotely flashy or vulgar about John Lewis, where sales surged 16 per cent last week.The sales figures testify to the sheer, ...
SIDE BY SIDE…Lewis Mumfordfound different visions of New York and the world at An American Place and MoMA galleries. At left,John Marin’swatercolorFrom the Bridge, N.Y.C.(1933); at right,Edward Hopper’sRoom in New York,also from 1933. (Artists Rights Society/Sheldon Memorial Art Galler...
E.B. Whitewas always on the lookout for the newfangled in the world of transportation, but this latest development by the Long Island Railroad was not a breath of fresh air… STACK ‘EM UP…A woman wears a bemused expression (left) as she takes in her surroundings on one of the Long ...