Nutty Putty Cave has been closed ever since, and because Jones' body couldn't be removed, the site is now considered a grave. Visitors to Nutty Putty today will only find a plaque dedicated to Jones and poured concrete sealing over the cave entrance. More than a decade after the unfortunat...
CBG视频于2005年拍摄的令人难以置信的镜头展示了坚果油灰(Nutty Putty )洞穴的入口和臭名昭著的产道部分,这正是约翰•爱德华•琼斯(John Edward Jones)在被困并悲惨死亡之前试图找到的区域。约翰于2009年11月24日与他的兄弟乔什(Josh)一起参观了该洞穴。在与乔什(Josh)一起探索时,琼斯(Jones)误将一条狭窄的隧...
John Edward Jones Edit page Add to list Track Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients News Credits 1 title Self (1 title) Fascinating Horror (2020) (TV Series) - Self - An avid amateur cave (1 episode, 2020) The Nutty Putty Caves (八月 18, ...
这个描述讲的是美国犹他州著名的“胡坚洞穴”(Nutty Putty Cave)探险中的悲剧性事件。这个事件发生在2009年,罗伯特的真实姓名是John Edward Jones,他在胡坚洞穴探险时被困在一个狭窄的通道中,最终不幸去世。 - 大牛哥的短视频于20240828发布在抖音,已经收获了566.7万