[Obituary. OBITUARY. JOHN HICKMAN BARNES, born on the 16th February, 1837, obtained his engineering training under thelate Mr. James Meadows Rendel, Past-President, and subsequently under the late Mr. Nathaniel Beardmore. He was then engaged for three years on the Petworth and Midhurst and ...
Obituary: Sir John Stokes ; Old-Fashioned Reactionary Tory MPBarnes, John
BARNES & MILLEROBITUARIESENGINESSTEAM140 M~MOIli8. the Metropolis, and mingling with the friends and associates of former years, with the same interest andkindly feeling as when he was actively engaged in similar pursuits. H e devoted the last few years of his life, chiefly to the study of...
John BarnesGRANT O'BRIEN Obituary
[Obituary. kiln,thecharacteristicfeature of the process beingthatthe material was burned in a state of powder, and that it emerged from the furnace in this condition, the object being to reduce the final grinding from a tedious andexpensire process to a very simple and rapid operation. Mr. ...