John III Sobieski John Irving John IV John IV Laskaris John IV of Portugal 将“John III"翻译成加泰罗尼亚文 Joan III de Bretanya, John III是“John III"到 加泰罗尼亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:John III consequently led military actions in Roussillon. ↔ Joan III va conduir en endavan...
Letters of John III, King of Portugal, 1521-1557doi:10.4159/harvard.9780674332683FordJ. D. M.Harvard University PressFord, J. D. M. (comp.) 1931. Letters of John III King of Portugal. 1521-1557. Cambridge: Harvard UP.
albeit briefly, of Richard III’s observers. The chronicler Robert Fabyan stated that Henry fell to his knees and gave thanks to God. Then, once all Henry’s mercenaries were offloaded his fleet sailed
1357–1433, king of Portugal (1385–1433). He secured independence for Portugal by his victory over Castile (1385) and initiated Portuguese overseas expansion Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,...
In 1396, he deflected a Portuguese invasion with an attack on Badajoz, finally signing a peace treaty with his brother-in-law, KingJohnI of Portugal, on August 15, 1402. Va aturar una invasió portuguesa, iniciada el 1396 amb un atac a Badajoz, consolidant finalment la pau amb l'acord...
of his nephew,Richard II, John remained the most powerful figure in the government, but he devoted himself primarily to military matters. In 1386, allied with John I of Portugal, who married one of his daughters, he led an expedition to make good his Castilian claims against John I of ...
John I (1357–1433), reigned 1385–1433; known as John the Great. Reinforced by an English army, he defeated the Castilians at Aljubarrota (1385), winning independence for Portugal. John II (1455–95), reigned 1481–95. John III (1502–57), reigned 1521–57. ...
DJM Records (2) –DJLPS 406 Portugal 1970 Elton John LP, Album, Gatefold DJM Records (2) –DJLPS.406 1970 Elton John LP, Album, Stereo, Monarch Pressing Uni Records –73090 US 1970 Elton John LP, Album DJM Records (2) –DJLPS 406, התקליט –DD 30645 Israel 19...
John I of Portugal John I Tzimiskes John II John II Komnenos John II of Aragon 将“John I"翻译成加泰罗尼亚文 Joan I de Borbó, Joan I el Roig, John I是“John I"到 加泰罗尼亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:“I must say, John, I never expected to find you all so nervous,” ...
所有精确任何 John A.King Ioannes Alsop King langbot He answered unhesitatingly, "Thou sayest that I ama king" (Johnxviii. sine ulla dubitatione respondit: tu dicis quiarex sumego (Ioan. He learned of his call fromaletter whichJohnIII,Kingof Portugal, sent to Rome to his le...