Ranked By 2.8K votes 570 voters 4 reranks Voting Rules Vote for your favorite John Malkovich movies and TV shows, regardless of critic reviews or how big the role was. Latest additions: The Line Most divisive: Eragon Over 500 Ranker voters have come together to rank ...
In the fall of 1960 I was a freshman in medical school at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock and had gone to the lobby of Jeff Banks Dormitory to take a short break from studies. Seated on a couch surrounded by several other students was this short, nice looking, clean-cut guy ...
Louis University School of Medicine in 1954 and became an assistant resident in surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he met his lovely wife, Marian, who passed away this past February. They were married for 54 years. In 1957, he went to the National Heart Institute (NIH), where he ...
Rank,Title,Genre,Description,Director,Actors,Year,Runtime (Minutes),Rating,Votes,Revenue (Millions),Metascore 1,Guardians of the Galaxy,"Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi",A group of intergalactic criminals are forced to work together to stop a fanatical warrior from taking control of the universe.,James G...
Ranked By 2.8K votes 570 voters 4 reranks Voting Rules Vote for your favorite John Malkovich movies and TV shows, regardless of critic reviews or how big the role was. Latest additions: The Line Most divisive: Eragon Over 500 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best...
he served as a medical officer with the rank of captain in the 314th regiment, 79th infantry division, landing on utah beach on the ninth day after the d-day invasion of normany, france, during world war ii. his medical unit, hidden under trees at the edge of a field, was once ...