Public Hospitals in Developing Countries: Resource Use, Cost, Financing, by Howard Barnum and Josph Kutzin, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1993. No. of pages: 335. ISBN 0‐8018‐4532‐7doi:10.1002/hec.4730030312Tim Ensor...
Being a parent of a special needs kid is a huge challenge. But an entirely different situation occurs when you’re the adoptive parents, foster parents, or kinship family of a special needs child. Often, far less information is known about the child until after they’re already in their ne...
From Homeless to Johns Hopkins. Life is never fair. But if you work hard enough, and help someone along the way, you give yourself a better chance to make it. Chris Smith looked like any other young boy in his class: bushy hair, a wide smile and enough freckles to charm a grandmother...
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Research into pandemics began in 1997 in the USA, John Hopkins University and several students have been researching this regularly over the years. With the global depression progressing, trade restrictions on China etc., the value of the American dollar began to decline. In a White paper issued...
Public hospitals in developing countries. Resource use, cost, financing : By H. Barnum; J. Kutzin (Eds.) The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 335 pp., 1993, ISBN 0-8018-4532-7, US$35.95No abstract is available for this item.doi:10.1016/0168-8510(94)90082-5Leus, Xavier...