Documentary Film Theory and John GriersonSufi Mohamed
Grierson on Documentary. Forsyth Hardy He first edited an early collectionofGrierson'swritings (Grierson on Documentary, Collins 1946, subsequently revised and updated, Praeger 1971). More recently he has completed the official biography (John Grierson: A Documentary Biography, ... SM Corey - 《Lib...
约翰.格里尔逊John Grierson(1898—1972),英国 英国纪录电影运动英国的一次以约翰t格里尔逊为首的有组织的纪录片摄制运动。始于三十年代。格里尔逊于1928年进入英国政府新设置的帝国市场委员会,负责领导该委员会的电影部,其任务是用电影手段来宣传政府的食品供应政策。参加电影部的有阿瑟.艾尔顿、巴锡尔.瑞特和斯图亚特...
John Grierson: Trailblazer of Documentary FilmEzraConcordia MA Winton
Nicolas Pronay, `John Grierson and the Documentary - 60 Years On', Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television vol. 9 no. 3 (1989), pp. 227-46.Pronay, Nicholas. 1989.JohnGrierson and the documentary40 years on. Historical~ournolof Film, Radio and Television 9(3): 229....
Reviews Grierson's early education, the start of his film career in Britain, his efforts in North America, his return to Britain, and a brief assessment of his role in history. (AN)doi:10.1080/00335637109383063WoodsDavid L.Quarterly Journal of Speech...
41. Ian Aitken, Film and Reform: John Grierson and the Documentary Film Movement (Lon-Aitken,Ian."Film and Reform:John Grierson and the Documentary Film Movement".. 1990Film and Reform:John Grierson and the Documentary Film Movement". Aitken,Ian. . 1990...
John Grierson was the founder of the British documentary-film movement and its leader for almost 40 years. He was one of the first to see the potential of motion pictures to shape people’s attitudes toward life and to urge the use of films for education