Backdrop: Government has taken over the economy, moved it toward heavy regulation and socialism, and adopted a moral code of self-sacrifice. John Galt, whose name has been talked about the entire novel, but people don’t know who he is, has gotten all the big entrepreneurs in society toge...
(1)HUGO NOMINATIONS CLOSE IN ONE WEEK.Nicholas Whyte, Glasgow 2024 Hugo Administrator and WSFS Division Head reminds members that they have until March 9 to submit nominations for this year’s Hugo Awards. Full information at“Hugo Awards – Nomination Ballot”. They also are offering Chinese tr...
‘Martini Luigi Implora pace.’ ‘Lucrezia Picini Implora eterna quiete.'” Can anything be more full of pathos? These few words say all that can be said or sought; the dead had had enough of life; all they wanted was rest, and this they implore. There is all the helplessness, and ...
but only by the deeds of your father and his fathers. If so, you should find out who outranks you before you become too free in your speech: be prepared to crouch like a dog if you come across a superior.