JohnF.Kennedy The35thPresident By:GrantW.Murray Background Born:May29,1917GraduatedfromHarvardin1940JoinedtheNavyPTBoatwasSunkin1943byJapaneseDestroyerKennedyLedSurvivorstoSafetyMarriedJacquelineBouvierin1953 PreludetoaPresidency AftertheWar,KennedybecameaCongressman.HewaselectedtoSenatein1953.In1955,HewroteProfiles...
John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States, who served from January 1961 until he was assassinated in November 1963. He was born John Fitzgerald Kennedy on May 29th, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts, to Joseph Patr
John F. Kennedy was the35th president of the United States. He served one incomplete term in office, which ended on the day of hisassassination in 1963. Kennedy, who was often referred to as JFK, became a symbol of a more innocent era when he was killed, even though his presidency was...
U.S. Presidents (AD) "Weird But True Know-It-All: U.S. Presidents" Independence Day (AD) "Our Country's Presidents" Legal Terms of Use Privacy Policy Your US State Privacy Rights Children's Online Privacy Policy Interest-Based Ads About Nielsen Measurement Do Not Sell or Share My Persona...
35th President Of the United States John F. Kennedy Articles John F. Kennedy summary: John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He was born in 1917 into a wealthy family with considerable political ties. Kennedy studied Political Science at Harvard University. He later serve...
John F. Kennedy served in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate before becoming the 35th American president in 1961. While in the White House, Kennedy faced a number of foreign crises, especially in Cuba and Berlin, but managed to secure such achievements as the Nuclear ...
Kieran Doherty
Kennedy defeated Nixon for the presidency by an estimated two-tenths of one percent of the vote in one of the closest races in American history. In 1961, at 43 years of age, John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th president of the United States. In his inaugural address, he stressed...
President John F. Kennedy- 35th President of the United States; established the Peace Corps; assassinated in Dallas (1917-1963) Jack Kennedy,JFK,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,Kennedy,President Kennedy Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
In 1960, Kennedy was nominated to run for the presidency against Nixon, who was by thenDwight D. Eisenhower's vice president. During Kennedy's nominating speech, he set forward his ideas of a "New Frontier." Nixon made the mistake of meeting Kennedy in debates—the first televised president...