Talent Seekers Hire well. Do good. The right candidate can make a world of difference for a business. What if they could make a bigger difference in the world? What if your culture touched lives far beyond the walls of your building? At John Evans Recruiting, we strive to match the righ...
K. Evans, E. M. Sullivan-Marx, K. A. Herr, E. A. Swanson, S. A. Lubin, and D. C. Messecar. 2006. Successful recruiting into geriatric nursing: The experience of the John A. Hartford Foundation centers of geriatric nursing excellence. Nursing Outlook 54(4):197-203....
How much of these premiums may Jean deduct as a deductio James Evans is the president of ServicePro, Inc., a company that provides temporary employees for not-for-profit companies. ServicePro has been operating for five years; its revenu...