an important source of revenue). The airline offered service between Washington, D.C. and New York City—with stops in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Virginia, Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee—using seven Stinson tri-motor
To justify his choice to shoot Brown, Wilson appeals to the policing technique “triangle of force,” more commonly known as the “use of force continuum.” This is a scale police use to rank methods of controlling a suspect from non-lethal to most lethal. It is designed to help officers...
When Adlai Stevenson allowed the delegates to choose the vice-presidential nominee in 1956, Kennedy sought the position but was narrowly defeated by Stevenson's two-time primary rival, liberal Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. By 1960, Kennedy was the front-runner for the Democratic presidential...
the speaker of theHouse of Representatives, was nominated by theKentuckyandTennesseelegislatures. Jackson won the most popular and electoral votes, but no candidate received the necessary majority in theelectoral college. When the election went to the House of Representatives (asstipulatedin the Constit...
The prolonged agony of the Civil War weakened Lincoln’s prospects for reelection in 1864. To broaden his support, he chose as his vice presidential candidateAndrew Johnson, a pro-Union Democratic senator from Tennessee, and the Lincoln-Johnson ticket subsequently won a landslide victory over Democr...
1948 A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams 1949 Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller 1950 South Pacific Richard Rodgers (composer), Oscar Hammerstein II (lyricist/writer), and Joshua Logan (writer) 1951 no award 1952 The Shrike Joseph Kramm 1953 Picnic William Inge 1954 The Teahouse...