4、licanism religious poems,he is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets. his poetry is noted for its vibrancy of language and inventiveness of metaphor. he is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.,john donne (1572 - 1631),metaphysical poets 玄...
John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)诗人简介 John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)英国诗人。1572年生于伦敦的一个富商之家,1631 年3月31日卒于伦敦。信仰罗马天主教。早年曾参加埃塞克斯伯爵对西班牙的海上远征军,后成为女王大臣托马斯•埃格尔顿爵士的秘书。1615年改信英国国教,后出任教职,成为当时...
It is not difficult to understand that Dunne created a large number of religious poems in his life. Dunn's poetry is very different from his predecessors and peers' works. Most of Elizabeth's poems pay attention to carvings and images. Dunne through the use of a more emphasis on ...
Eventually, though, Donne became an Anglican priest, known for his vivid sermons, piercing devotional writings, and his equally original religious poems. Donne pioneered the style that would be known as "metaphysical poetry," which would prove especially influential in the 20th century. Keywords: ...
Sonnets: OverviewJohn Donne’s religious poetry is collectively known as the Divine Poems; among these, the largest group isthe nineteen Holy Sonnets. Donne began writing his love poetry in the 1590s, while still single, and did notturn to religious poetry until 1609, eight years after he ...
1.The Religious Flavor in the Love Lyrics of John Donne论约翰·但恩爱情诗的宗教本源 4)John Dos Passos约翰·多斯·帕索斯 1.Manhattan Transfer,John Dos Passos\' first masterpiece in the 1930s,is considered as the most innovative and original novels in the canon of American literature.本文主要...
john donne JohnDonne Introduction JohnDonne,thefounderofthemetaphysicalschoolofpoetry,livedduringthesucceedingreignsofElizabethⅠ,JamesⅠandCharlesⅠ.Hisworksincludesonnets,lovepoetry,religiouspoems,Latintranslations,elegies,songs,satiresandsermons.AndheismostfamousforhisSongsandSonnets(《歌与十四行诗》),Elegies(...
(andwell--paid)positioninpaid)positionintheChurchoftheChurchofEnglandEnglanddiedCatholicismCatholicismeroticanderoticandlovepoemslovepoemsAnglicanismAnglicanismreligiousreligiouspoemspoems Heisconsideredtheprepre--eminenteminentrepresentativeoftherepresentativeofthemetaphysicalpoetsmetaphysicalpoets. Hispoetryisnotedforits...
periodsofhisliterarycareer:FirstPeriod(1593-1617):mostofTheElegies,SatiresandmanyoftheSongsandSonnetsSecondPeriod(1618-1631):religiouspoemsandproseworks,especiallysermonsrevealinghisspiritualdevotiontoGod TheFirstPeriod In 1593,Satire(hisfirstbookofpoems)andSongsandSonnets(lovepoems)In1607,DivinePoems(...