In 1611 he composed two companion poems, which honored the death of little Elizabeth Drury and won him the support of her father, with whom Donne traveled to France and Germany. He briefly served as a member of Parliament in 1601 and again in 1614. ...
John Donne - Death Be Not Proud 英诗朗诵(双语字幕) 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2013-04-22 03:44:51上线。视频内容简介:Great Short Poems 中的约翰•多恩(John Donne 1572-1631)(圣14行诗第10首)
His father died when he was young, and he was raised by his mother, Elizabeth. Donnes first literary work, satires was written during this period . This was followed by Songs and Son 2、nets. Then in 1617 Anne Donne died in giving birth to the couples 12th child. Her death affected ...
1、John Donne, A more thoroughly characteristic figure (1572?-1631), English poet and Clergyman, the leading figure of the 17th- century metaphysical school., born in London, England and died in London, Mar.31,1631, family with a strong Roman Catholic tradition,works, 歌与十四行诗 挽歌 ...
DONNE, John, 1572-1631SEPEHRI, Sohrab, 1928-1980DEATHIMMORTALITY of the soulHOLY Sonnets (Poem : Donne). 17NOCTURNAL Upon St. Lucy's Day, A (Poem)Death has always permeated human's thoughts at all levels. This preoccupation with death is manifested in the realm of li...
Learn about John Donne's poem "Death Be Not Proud," with a summary and analysis. Discover the theme of this famous poem and the form of the sonnet...
In John Donne's Holy Sonnet X "Death, be not proud, though some have called thee", the speaker rebukes the concept of death, taking away from it all its power to terrify and confuse the heart and mind of humankind. At first glance, it may seem the speaker is personifying ...
Death,be not proud,though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful,for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not,poor Death,nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep,which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,...
John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)诗人简介 John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)英国诗人。1572年生于伦敦的一个富商之家,1631 年3月31日卒于伦敦。信仰罗马天主教。早年曾参加埃塞克斯伯爵对西班牙的海上远征军,后成为女王大臣托马斯•埃格尔顿爵士的秘书。1615年改信英国国教,后出任教职,成为当时...