约翰迪尔John Deere农业和林业logo设计 约翰迪尔是迪尔公司的品牌名称,这是一家美国公司,生产农业、建筑和林业机械、柴油发动机、重型设备用传动系统(车轴、变速箱、变速箱)和草坪养护设备。 意义与历史 一只跳跃的鹿的形象在1876年被引入。它已经存在了几十年,而且仍然存在。然而,约翰迪尔标志的演变清楚地表明了标志现代...
六图网提供精美好看的素材模板下载,本次作品主题是John Deere logo设计欣赏 约翰迪尔标志设计欣赏,编号是3529499,格式是AI,该John Deere logo设计欣赏 约翰迪尔标志设计欣赏素材大小是0.03 MB。John Deere logo设计欣赏 约翰迪尔标志设计欣赏是由设计师Bo Ba La上传. 浏
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Browse to see more John Deere related vector logos. Download John Deere logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW. In 2000, John Deere unveiled the latest evolution in the trademark, the eighth such logo in the company's history. The...
John Deere Operations Center™ is an online operations management system that enables access to your information anytime, anywhere When it matters most, manage your operation from anywhere Home – Know what needs the most attention in your operation at a glance Build your team, add your eq...
Explore agricultural, construction, forestry machinery, technology, services and more on the official John Deere website. Find a dealer in your area or purchase online.
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