Different crops. Different fields. Different size of operations. Yeah, that doesn't matter to John Deere, because we have a combine for whatever you need. From the grain-eating X9 to the versatile, all new S7, every piece of iron we make is packed with the same legendary John Deere depe...
一小时极致享受——12台克拉斯(CLAAS)LEXION与1台约翰迪尔(John Deere)S790联合收获机在美国科罗拉多进行小麦联合收割作业 环形物语 5614 18 约翰迪尔(John Deere)8RX410履带式拖拉机马铃薯起垄播种作业 环形物语 1505 0 [农机鉴赏]约翰迪尔(John Deere)CS690采棉机联合采收作业(美国德克萨斯州) 环形物语 972 2 ...
John Deere cs770 for lavender for Huron County maps or other maps price: 913000€ max speed: 80km/h working speed: 25km/h capacity: 1,000,000 L Credits: dams76420 Tags:Huron County Farming Simulator game is so great that is hard to believe that it could be even greater. However, it...
1Internal John Deere comparisons between CP770 and CP690, and between CS770 and CS690. Individual results may vary. 2Only available on the CS770 Cotton Stripper 3Compared to a John Deere CS690 when tested by the USDA Ag Research Service in Lubbock, TX....
JOHN DEERE has introduced two new cotton harvesters - the CP770 Cotton Picker and CS770 Stripper - to help farmers harvest every pound of seed cotton possible while preserving cotton quality from the field to the gin floor. The CP770 and CS770 are themost productive cotton harvesters ever bui...
液压测试仪、液压系统维修及改造、液压泵配件,致力于John Deere 约翰迪尔 7660 采棉打包机 6068拖拉机 7215拖拉机6069,7230拖拉机 7250R拖拉机7270拖拉机 82454 拖拉机 9770联合收割机 6990联合收割机 S660,70 联合收割机 7760 采棉机 CP690 采棉机CS690 采棉机 9470 6068 9570 S540 联合收割机 等液压主泵,...
FG WILSON P200-2发电机组,106C.E66TAG4空气滤芯901056 外径×高度 JOHN,DEERE,F434391 东莞市合信滤清器有限公司 9年 回头率: 0% 广东 东莞市 ¥90.00 320C SY210C履带挖掘机,CS583E压路机空气滤芯1318822,131-8822 规格 SP120069,LOESING、94702、FC2023、AE40190、9304100217,GT,PIECES,ET,SERVI...
The article offers information on the John Deere CS690 Cotton Stripper, which offers more horsepower and gives farmers the ability to harvest in tough conditions while increasing productivity, from John Deere & Co.EBSCO_bspSouthwest Farm Press...
Auto Customized Parts OEM Truck Air Filter for Case-International John Deere Engines 132149A1 AT203051 AF25461M RS3719 P537779 1. Are you a factory? A:Yes, we are factory since 1999 and We have 25 years experience in foreign ...
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