Maybe I’m just jaded by the extensive efforts of this website to justify the films we crown. After all, consider the fact that Danny Peary needed three volumes to chronicle 200 films in his “Cult Movies ” series, or that Scott Tobias’New Cult Canonaccumulated 130 entries over the cour...
[EG], Xerxes-k, El Naddaha, Late Night Alumni, John Askew, Manika Kaur, Movement Machina, Kid93, Samuel Vasell, Andrew Storm, Rise Of The Jellyfish, S_Zer0, Martin Graff, Milyo, Liudicrous, SodiumHot, Ulrich Van Bell, Mike McCarthy, James Hallen, Sunlounger, Lorenzo al Dino, Javi...
Denton Thrift, PARAFRAME, Zashanell, VENIICE, Milkwish, Maglev, Myon, Fanizza, My Sister Bytes, Alperen Duman, Luca Lazza, Liset Alea, Dennis Sheperd, Dlay, Maui Sam, Grace George, Ginchy, Gunfight, FOOTWURK, Jake Silva, Frankie Sims, Sam Eight, Kapuzen, Martin Graff, Jack Rose, Midge...
The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. The effects produced include levitation of heavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materials such as ...
So in other words, imagine a hollow tube that is a vacuum - no air - through which an electro-static plasma is being passed, and one has an entirely different electrical system, provided one learns how to "steer" the plasma. And this, evidently, was what Van de Graff and "Uncle John...
"Black Strand, Daniel Press, Josh Kaelen, MikeT, Mountainhome, MNBT, Julia Eliza, Martin Graff, Lee Coulson, Nay Jay, Mind Of One, Kroman, Tim Iron, Nini, Liudicrous, NEONHELM, Isaac Blum, BRYCH (BR), Scott Cameron, Gabrielle Ag, Rehoxx, Ren Faye, Simon
Denton Thrift, PARAFRAME, Zashanell, VENIICE, Milkwish, Maglev, Myon, Fanizza, My Sister Bytes, Alperen Duman, Luca Lazza, Liset Alea, Dennis Sheperd, Dlay, Maui Sam, Grace George, Ginchy, Gunfight, FOOTWURK, Jake Silva, Frankie Sims, Sam Eight, Kapuzen, Martin Graff, Jack Rose, Midge...
[EG],Xerxes-k,El Naddaha,Late Night Alumni,John Askew,Manika Kaur,Movement Machina,Kid93,Samuel Vasell,Andrew Storm,Rise Of The Jellyfish,S_Zer0,Martin Graff,Milyo,Liudicrous,SodiumHot,Ulrich Van Bell,Mike McCarthy,James Hallen,Sunlounger,Lorenzo al Dino,Javi Viana,TVLI,Al-Faris,Brittany ...