Honorable Mention: Another Dave Grohl documentary, 'Sonic Highways,' found Foo Fighters traveling to eight American cities and incorporating their distinct music characteristics into the the band's work. 'Love and Mercy' was a Brian Wilson biopic in which Paul Dano and John Cusack played the Beac...
What I got was curdled mush that crawled out of the bowl like John Cusack’s dinner in Better off Dead. The theory of overnight oats was brilliant. It was my execution that made me gag. Many security awareness programs choke on their own ingredients because, like my overnight oats, the...
分享15赞 约翰库萨克吧 arrowxyt 【John Cusack】请教John名字的读音【John Cusack】 Cusack的a应该怎么念啊,a一般有两种发音,一种是发“啊”,一种类似glad,到底是哪个呢? 分享6赞 李毅吧 征夷大将军 John这个英文名用汉语翻译过来为什么念成约翰,读音完全不一样啊~这个问题萦绕在我心里已经十来年了,从初一刚...
Meg Ryan,JohnCusack,KelseyGrammer, Christopher Lloyd, Hank Azaria, Bernadette Peters Genre: Family-friendly, Feel-good ParaCrawl Corpus Kelseywas the second woman to be awarded the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service by PresidentJohnF. Kennedy. ...
Also ranks #14 on The 75+ Best Family Comedy Movies Also ranks #25 on The Best Movies About Parenting Chicken Little Zach Braff, Joan Cusack, Don Knotts Chicken Little is a 2005 Disney animated film that marries comedy with adventure. The story revolves around Chicken Little (voiced by Zac...
Meanwhile, in an urban legend come to life, a man picks up a teenage hitchhiker out on a dark backroad not far outside of town only to have the young man vanish from the passenger seat and appear in the middle of the road, causing the driver to crash fatally into a tree. These ...