See biography by V. L. Collins (1925, repr. 1969). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. Witherspoon, John (1723–94) Protestant clergyman, Continental Congressman, educator; born in Giff...
A modern geographer Halford John Mackinder in 1994 wrote, 'The one who rules Eastern Europe, commands the heartland and the one who rules the heartland commands the world'. Of key players in new great game The founding father of geopolitics, the British geographer Sir Halford John Mackinder, ...
When Ryan Condal first told me what he meant to do, ages ago (back in 2022, might be) I argued against it, for all these reasons. I did not argue long, or with much heat, however. The change weakened the sequence, I felt, but only a bit. And Ryan had what seemed to be practi...
synthesizer player Blaine Thurier, always a presence, a rock; Kathryn Calder at keyboards since the mid-2000s; Simi Stone, occasionally picking her violin like a guitar, over the last two years; drummer Joseph Seiders; guitarist Todd Fancey; bassist John Collins; and founding songwriter and gui...
HarperCollins. Glasser developed choice theory and in this book he applies it to raising teenagers. Similar to Dreikurs (and Adler), he believes all children (and teens) strive for love and belonging, but that if they feel excessively controlled or criticized they will rebel and begin seeking ...
The U.S. music duo 2002has a new 2012 release unlike any previous album. The newest project by Randy and Pamela Copus titled Believe has the signature sound of 2002 music we know and love, yet there are elements of music by popular era bands like Kansas, YES, Phil Collins, and Seal....
(Barbara Walker, inThe Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets,Harper/Collins, 1983 ; “") 亚历山大大帝 亚历山大大帝(公元前356年7月22日-前323年6月10日), 即亚历山大三世, 他维持了以马其顿领导的统一...
After some days away from lobster rolls and with last night’s reencounter, we are now well aware that our chances to indulge in the luxury of such fresh lobster are coming to an end, and so lunch was easily inspired after passing a few roadside signs directing us to Collins Lobster Shop...
人生何處不相逢,夢非夢,花非花,月圓月缺月滿樓。只為仰望,卻在動容中輕輕淺唱,把握一種真摯,淚眼問花,寄一份溫暖的感動藏於心底,任風兒姿意梳弄。 人生何處不相逢,不需要什麼承諾,但我卻怕我會因你而寂寞。我只想要你的祝福,我就可以笑看每一天的朝陽晚霞,靜靜地等待,一直等到花消瘦。
Susan Collins. In addition to those three Trump states, Democrats are also defending seats in a number of Electoral College battlegrounds — Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — that could tip with the top of the ticket. A New York Times/Siena College poll out Monday ...