外语阅读神奇LingQ最近变得更好用了 | LingQ原本是一个方便在阅读外语时查找单词和词组的软件,但在过去的几年里,他们更新了许多,添加了一些超级实用的功能。包括可以轻松将Netflix或带有人工字幕的YouTube视频转换为可用来练习阅读的内容。但是他们最大的改进就是最近添加了whisper语音转文本的功能。自从播客(podcasts)...
I recorded this seven-episode podcast series about the pitch, sale, writing and production of my first Arlo Finch book. If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, you’ll want to check it out. Freewherever you listen to podcasts. The Paid Stuff Given all the free stuff we put out,...
running a media startup during a pandemic will do that to thoughtful writing. I hope to change that in 2022, starting with this bout of chin stroking. If you’re an old timer here, you know I don’t really prepare to
Podcasts About John McAfee News John McAfee is a British-American IT-businessman and political activist, known as a founder of the software company McAfee Associates. McAfee Associates was very successful as the first commercial antivirus software developer and made a wide range of security program...
We started with a single product focused on politics. We called it The Daily Recount, and we envisioned it as a “remix” of the most important news sourced from scores of outlets, from national and international broadcast news to radio to podcasts to digital and social media and more...
Kevin FitzpatrickPublished: October 7, 2017 Amazon Share on Facebook Share on Twitter We’ve seenJohn Krasinskiput on his Batman voiceforJack Ryan, now let’s see him in action. Amazon drops the first official trailer for its new TV take on the iconic Tom Clancy character, ahead of a 201...
Longform Movies TV Reviews Trailers Features Video Shop Podcasts Subscribe Visit us on Instagram Visit us on Youtube Visit us on Facebook Visit us on Twitter Search The SiteTom Clancy’s ‘Jack Ryan’ Gets Official Amazon Series Order Tom Clancy’s ‘Jack Ryan’ Gets Official Amazon Series ...
for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com Follow Barstool Sports here: Facebook: https://facebook.com/barstoolsports Twitter: https://twitter.com/barstoolsports Instagram: http://instagram.com/barstoolsports You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime...