Name: Message: Enter the word shown above: These are the 2286 guestbook entries left by John Candy fans so far... Paul Gellatly Sun, 5 Jan '25 Hi I tried registering so I could submit a photo of a daylily I named 'John F. Candy' after John. His wife and children approved the na...
The story follows Buck Russell (Candy), an unreliable, fun-loving slob who's counted on to care for his brother's three children while he and his wife are away. While the two youngest kids, Miles (Macaulay Culkin) and Maizy (Gaby Hoffman), quickly warm up to their bumbling uncle, he'...
Candy also produced and starred in a Saturday-morning animated series on NBC titled Camp Candy in 1989. The show was set in a fictional summer camp run by Candy, featured his two children in supporting roles, and also spawned a brief comic book series published by Marvel Comics' Star Comics...
John Wick adds hardly a story, no character development, no needless character or background, no misplaced drama, no misplaced humor and not too much eye candy, nothing of that. What John Wick offers is action, action and more action. In fact, it is one long action scene, with some ...
Uncle Buck follows Buck Russell (John Candy), an underachiever who has to look after his brother's children after a family emergency. Through hilarious hi-jinks, Buck learns to love his nieces and nephew and by the end, he has grown a lot as a person. The film introduced the world to...
From his soft spot for animals to his struggles with his weight, Jen and Chris Candy give a rare in-depth look at their late father: "One of the things that was at the core of all of our dad’s characters, a likability.
John Holmes. Actor: The Jade Pussycat. Born John Curtis Estes on August 8, 1944, in rural Pickaway County, Ohio, the youngest of four children, porn legend John Holmes was raised by a religious fanatic mother named Mary and an abusive alcoholic stepfathe
* Beating the odds: Study: Children of Divorce Less Likely to Earn Degree. * All the Ways It Doesn’t Matter… and the One Way That It Does. When You Discover, as an Adult, That You Might Have Autism. * Serial again. Veronica Mars again. * The Village Voice is officially dead. *...
John Candy. Actor: Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Candy was one of Canada's greatest and funniest character actors. His well-known role as the big-hearted buffoon earned him classic appearances in Uncle Buck (1989) and Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987).
thoughts and feelings that I don’t want or like. I trust God is at work and I see (some) it, I just don’t love it. As I take a step back, I am able to count many blessings: A loving wife and best friend who means the world to me....