Here we are on the famous Cabot Trail in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park, feeling the Scottish sense of things that Nova Scotian Premier Angus L. MacDonald wanted to impart on these lands nearly 100 years ago for tourism purposes. That was some great insight from a politician during...
Christopher Columbus was a Genoese; Vespucius Americus and John de Verrazano were Florentines; and John and Sabastian Cabota, Venetians. The discoveries of these celebrated men were made within a period of thirty-two years. The first voyage of Columbus was in 1492; Americus and the Cabots,...
“…We sympathize fully with the legislature in their efforts to suppress the barbarous and anti-Christian practice of dueling. Having its origin in false pride and a mistaken sense of honor, and upheld and sanctioned to a certain extent by a vicious public sentiment, the practice has lingered ...