John C. Maxwell provides a concise, accessible leadership book that helps readers become more effective leaders from the inside out. Daily readings highlight twenty-one essential leadership qualities and include 'Reflecting On It' and 'Bringing It Home' sections that help readers integrate and apply...
As New York Times bestselling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell says, "A leader never has to recover from a good start." So when a leader takes root by firmly establishing themselves in their field of expertise, preparing for every risk and failure imaginable, the fruit of their...
作者:Maxwell, John C.出版社:HarperCollins Leadership 0条评论 当当价 降价通知 ¥150.98 促销 电子书加价购 +38.6元换购《Purposeful Retirement:How to Bri》作者1:Hyrum W. Smith 部分促销不可共享,请以购物车能享受的促销为准 配送至 北京市昌平区城北街道 进口书预订,需要1-3个月发货 运费6元,满49...
作者:(美)约翰·麦克斯韦尔(John C. Maxwell)著 王进杰 译 杨壮审校;颉腾文化 出品出版:中国广播影视出版社 2023.12定价:79.00 元ISBN-13:9787504391131ISBN-10:7504391131 去豆瓣看看 想要 拥有 00暂无人评价... 目录作者简介内容简介 约翰·麦克斯韦尔认为,“提问”对于问题的解决、各类沟通、人的成长尤其是领导...
John C. Maxwell is an evangelical Christian and completed his Bachelor degree at Ohio Christian University. He obtained his Master degree atAzusa Pacific Universityand followed his father by entering the ministry. Because of this, he also obtained his Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological...
全球*领导力大师约翰·C.麦克斯维尔博士(Dr. John C. Maxwell) 提出,领导力不是一种与生俱来的天赋,它是一种可以学习掌握,并能逐步提升的思维模式。麦克斯维尔博士在《中层领导力:团队建设篇》中系统地介绍了培育周围人领导力的10个步骤,从甄别身边的潜在领导者开始,到对他们进行有针对性的培育、补给和发展,为...
John C. Maxwell points out in his book that those missing links can be further exhibited through the 11-skillset program one should strive to possess: Seeing the Wisdom of Big-Picture Thinking Unleashing the Potential of Focused Thinking
图书 > 管理 > 领导学 > 读客 > 中层领导力:自我修行篇 读客京东自营官方旗舰店 中层领导力:自我修行篇[Developi... 该商品已下柜,欢迎挑选其他商品!
John C. Maxwell has done exactly that in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. He has combined insights learned from his thirty-plus years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. The result is a revea...