from this obituary in Nature There’s hope on the horizon, I think, so I cling to that. And we got two new kittens at home, who are simply a joy, and we’ve been clinging to each other. Many cuddles. It feels very strange, and privileged, to say that work (even though stuck at...
The pandemic goes on; my life goes on; but it has been another rough 1+ years. I have hardly done any hands-on anatomy as I’m hardly on campus at all, and my team’s work has mostly shifted into digital modelling for now (more about that below; it is not a bad thing though)....
There were lively exchanges between him and the bishop. Richards shouted; Mercer swore; and they got on famously. The new canon soon realised that priests and people in a cathedral were not much different from those in parishes, and he greatly valued the daily services, said or sung - ...