Studies the attitudes of John the Baptist and Jesus in the book of John 3.25. Details of John 3.25; Definition of the term Jews; Text highlighting the superiority of Jesus to John.PryorJohnW.EBSCO_AspJournal for the Study of the New Testament...
从文学分析来看,很明显,约翰是“杰出的证人和忏悔者”,特别是与尼科迪莫斯(Nicodemus)这样的人物相比(对具体细节感兴趣的同学请参照文献:Vande Vrede, Keith (December 2014), Kostenberger, Andreas (ed.), "A Contrast Between Nicodemus and John the Baptist in the Gospel of John", Journal of the Evangel...
Jesus and John the Baptist - After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of
When John heard in prison what Jesus was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, "Are you the Promised One who is coming, or are we to look for some one else?" Jesus answered them, "Go and tell John what you see and hear: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are made ...
Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Jesus goes so far as to praise and belittle John the Baptist in terms of this very rite of Baptism. He says of John the Baptist, “Amen I say to you, there hath not risen among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist: yet he that is the lesser in the Kingdo...
John is described as a figure that rightly recognised Jesus and also fulfilled all righteousness in his teaching and practice. The Matthean community should do the same. Though the word righteousnesscan be used in a soteriological sense, Matthew uses it in an ethical sense. By righteousness ...
John the Baptist - (New Testament) a preacher and hermit and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized); was beheaded by Herod at the request of Salome St. John the Baptist New Testament - the collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Re...
Thetermisoftenusedinthe NewTestament,andit wasacentralthemein thepreachingofJohntheBaptistandJesus. 上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。 5. John'sdisciples-DespiteJohnthe'Baptist'simprisonment,hisdiscipleskeptincontactwithhimandcontinuedhisministry. ...
施洗者圣约翰 John the Baptist, St. (单词翻译:单击) 活动时期西元1世纪初叶 犹太人先知,早期基督教会以他为耶稣基督的先驱。关于他的生平来源于四部〈福音书〉、〈使徒行传〉和史学家约瑟夫斯。其母名以利沙伯,可能是耶稣之母玛利亚的亲属;其父是祭司撒迦利亚。约翰的成长时期在犹太境旷野中度过,当时艾赛尼...