Maybe it’s the relationship between Diane and Jim that transcends generations, as well as the thoughts of young love and the idealism of youth, Cusack said. “There’s this young woman finding out that her father, who she idolizes, turns out to be a flawed human and full of fragility a...
The show featured an ensemble cast that was led by Emmy Rossum and William H. Macy untilRossum departedin the show's ninth season.Othercast members included Emma Kenney, Cameron Monaghan, Jeremy Allen White, and Joan Cusack. The show's ending was bittersweet for many of the fans of the s...
Accompanied by his motley crew of friends - Abby Mallard (Joan Cusack), Runt of the Litter (Steve Zahn), and Fish Out Of Water - they embark on a quest to save their town from potential disaster. Despite its lighthearted exterior, the film delves into themes of trust, friendship and ...
Keeping track of John Mayer and Katy Perry’s relationship status requires professional expertise we don’t possess. But they sure sound lovey-dovey on “Who You Love,” where they coo “you love who you love” over and over to each over. The cut comes fromParadise Valley, Mayer’s upcom...