Twenty-nine years agoXena: Warrior Princessfirst aired in syndication by MCA TV (which did it for the first two years of this followed by Universal Television Enterprises doing so for a year and Studios USA Television Distribution doing so for the rest of the run). Before ending its six yea...
In a stark warning, White House senior adviser for energy and investment, Amos Hochstein, said mineral resources in nations like the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia were essential to meeting enormous global demand for clean energy components and power infrastructure to support the growth of ...
Amos Hochstein, the state department’s special envoy and co-ordinator for international energy affairs, dismissed as “nonsense” industry claims that White House policies are holding back drilling and instead blamed Wall Street investors that he said were hungry for returns. / U...
Born June 20, 1920 — Amos Tutuola. A Nigerian writer who wrote books based in part on Yoruba folk-tales. Though he wrote a number of novels, I think he’s best work is his short stories which are collected in three volumes,Yoruba Folktales,The Village Witch Doctor & Other StoriesandDo...
Thus here again St John shows his intimate knowledge of the derivation of an obscure Hebrew term. (ft) Iscariot. The phenomena which St John's Gospel presents in the use of this name are somewhat remarkable. As soon as the false readings are...
To Release ‘I Want My R.E.M.TV’ in November; Watch ‘Everybody Hurts’ and ‘Drive’ Live from 1993 October 15, 2014 Exclusive: Bob Dylan’s Handwritten Lyrics For ‘New Basement Tapes’ Song ‘Spanish Mary’ – Check Them Out! October 15, 2014 Video: Listen to Neil Young Talk...
Audio: Hear Amos Lee & the Forest Rangers Cover Bob Dylan’s ‘Boots Of Spanish Leather’ Right Now November 11, 2014 Audio: Producer/Writer Larry Charles On Bob Dylan –‘he wanted to [be like] a Buster Keaton or something’ November 11, 2014 Video: Chri...
Another error is a conceit that the best has still prevailed and suppressed the rest: so as, if a man should begin the labor of a new search, he were but like to light upon somewhat formerly rejected, and by rejection brought into oblivion; as if the multitude, or the wisest for the...
Audio: Hear Amos Lee & the Forest Rangers Cover Bob Dylan’s ‘Boots Of Spanish Leather’ Right Now November 11, 2014 Audio: Producer/Writer Larry Charles On Bob Dylan –‘he wanted to [be like] a Buster Keaton or something’ November 11, 2014 Video: Chrissie Hynde Says You Can’t...
Audio: Hear Amos Lee & the Forest Rangers Cover Bob Dylan’s ‘Boots Of Spanish Leather’ Right Now November 11, 2014 Audio: Producer/Writer Larry Charles On Bob Dylan –‘he wanted to [be like] a Buster Keaton or something’ November 11, 2014 Video: Chrissie Hynde Says You Can’t...