and this is implied rather than expressed. It is implied that the friend is to be a servant of Jesus Christ. Peter has just been shown, as in a mirror, the outline of his own future, and he puts the natural question touching
Outline of “A Caution against Bigotry” 1. Wesley introduces the context of Mark 9: 38-39. 2. What is the relevance of this passage, “Seeing no man now ‘casts out devils”? 3. This sermon will show “first, in what sense men may, and do now, ‘cast out devils’; secondly, ...
Berthoff’s analogy draws on the sermonic tradition, which is also a kind of conversation between the preacher and the listener. In the context of a sermon, homiletical silence is a three-dimensional discipline that involves listening, patient reflection, and understanding. Since most sermons ta...
References.—X. 3.—Spurgeon,Sermons,vol. xl. No, 2359. John Kelman,Ephemera Eternitatis,pp. 14, 21. X. 4.—Expositor(6th Series), vol. vi. p. 242. G. Body,The Good Shepherd,p. 51. X.5.—W.F. Shaw,Sermon Sketches for the Christian Year,p. 59. X. 6.—Expositor(6th Seri...
had begged of our minister to fill up his outline, and prepare the sermon for publication, to which he had consented. He wished to ascertain from me, as a publisher, the expense of printing five thousand copies, being sure that the sale of it would be unprecedented, not only throughout ...
“The Witness of Our Own Spirit” is the eleventh sermon of the Wesleyan Standard Sermons and is related to the previous sermon,“The Witness of the Spirit, I.”In hopes of sparking interest in Wesley’s sermons and Methodism’s doctrinal heritage, here is my very short summary of “...
Lust in 1 John Sermon Audio Show Outline with Links Introduction: We are beginning a short series of sermons in 1 John, but the messages are of a topical nature. Although these messages will revolve around particular topics, I believe that when we are done, we will have apprehended the ...
The very idea that a 37 year old follower of Alexander Campbell would be so quickly and easily taken-in by his younger protégé Parley Pratt, who was almost 15 years his junior -- a mere boy, while Rigdon was a mature, seasoned adult -- and by the young dreamer Joseph Smith, is fo...
1. A descendant of Judah (1 Chron 4:17, but... Book of Ezra EZRA, BOOK OF Outline I. Background The books of Ezra and Nehemiah originally were regarded by the... Family FAMILY. The center of the covenant activity of God is the fam...
There is also the allegorizing tradition of the village sermon which persisted into his youth from the Middl 6、e Ages, very little affected by the Reformation. 2021/8/69(4) It was during Bunyans second & shorter term imprisonment that he wrote Part I of his masterpiece; the milder tone...