Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary3:16-21 Here is the condescension, the miracle, the mystery of Divine love, that God would redeem the church with his own blood. Surely we should love those whom God has loved, and so loved. The Holy Spirit, grieved at selfishness, will leave the selfish...
Benson CommentaryJohn 21:18-19. Verily I say unto thee, When thou wast young, &c. — Peter being thus restored to the apostolical office and dignity, from which he had fallen by openly denying his Master three several times, Jesus proceeded to forewarn him of the persecutions to which ...
3. There is no variation here in the manuscripts, and critics have observed that the Greek will bear no other construction than what is expressed in our translation - that the Word "was God." continued... Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN Commentary by David...
Meyer's NT CommentaryJohn 1:51. Πιστεύεις is, with Chrysostom and most others (even Lachmann and Tischendorf, not Godet), to be taken interrogatively; see on John 20:29.[129] But the question is not uttered in a tone of censure, which would only destroy the fresh ...
David Guzik.Revelation: Verse by Verse Commentary. James M. Hamilton.Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches. (Historic Premillenial and Posttribulational) William Hendrickson.More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation. (Amillennial) ...
i.约翰之所以提到这一点,一方面是因为我们能与神建立关系(约一1:3),另一方面是罪会破坏我们与神的相交(约一1:6)。他想清楚表明,神并没有设立一个我们必定会因为罪而断绝与他相交的系统。 ii.软弱源于我们的肉体,我们并不总是愿意依靠耶稣来克服罪。神应许有一天,通过复活,我们的肉体将会变得完美。
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 15:9-17 Those whom God loves as a Father, may despise the hatred of all the world. As the Father loved Christ, who was most worthy, so he loved his disciples, who were unworthy. All that love the Saviour should continue in their love to him, and ...
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary 8. All that ever came before me—the false prophets; not as claiming the prerogatives of Messiah, but as perverters of the people from the way of life, all pointing to Him [Olshausen]. the sheep did not hear them—the instinct of their divinely ta...
2.(2-3节)如何辨别假先知的言论。 凡灵认耶稣基督是成了肉身来的,就是出于神的,从此你们可以认出神的灵来;凡灵不认耶稣,就不是出于神,这是那敌基督者的灵。你们从前听见他要来,现在已经在世上了。 a.凡灵认耶稣基督是成了肉身来的,就是出于神的:真实的预言,真实的教导,会呈现一个真实的耶稣。在约翰...